A java implementation of the Binance API Specification
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

867 B


A Java 8 implementation of the Binance API.

Rate Limiting

BinanceJ does not perform rate limiting, so you are responsible for limiting your requests.


  • Only implement the GET methods for now
  • Test everything with mocked http clients and such
  • Use closable clients, etc


  1. Error code detection to make things easy (think like you did before)

  2. All enums for each endpoint

  3. Errors and Responses inheirit from the same base object and errors are returned conditionally with an EITHER type structure

  4. GET /api/v1/ping

  5. GET /api/v1/time

  6. GET /api/v1/exchangeInfo

  7. GET /api/v1/depth

  8. GET /api/v1/klines

  9. GET /api/v3/ticker/price

for (5) you will need to implement all enums (such as candlestick hours, etc) as well as compose the various fields of the returned array into an object.