import os from enum import Enum from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, uic from clusterview_ui import Ui_MainWindow from clusterview.exceptions import handle_exceptions, InvalidMode from clusterview.mode import Mode, MODE_MAP class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): """ A wrapper class for handling creating a window based on the `` code generated from `clusterview.ui`. """ __mode = Mode.OFF def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) # ------------------------------------- # UI Handlers # ------------------------------------- self.action_add_points.triggered.connect(self.__add_points) self.action_edit_points.triggered.connect(self.__edit_points) self.action_delete_points.triggered.connect(self.__delete_points) self.action_solve.triggered.connect(self.__solve_launcher) # Override handler for mouse press so we can draw points based on # the OpenGL coordinate system inside of the OpenGL Widget. self.opengl_widget.mousePressEvent = self.__ogl_click_dispatcher # TODO: These handlers should probably be broken out into classes # Such as "GraphicsDrawer", etc that implements these functions # in isolation so this file remains relatively clean aside from # the UI hooks to the functions above. def __add_points(self): self.__mode = Mode.ADD # Should change the on-hover mouse to something else. def __edit_points(self): self.__mode = Mode.EDIT # Should change the on-hover mouse to something else. def __delete_points(self): self.__mode = Mode.DELETE # Should change the on-hover mouse to something else. @handle_exceptions def __solve_launcher(self): """ Launched the solve menu. This function will call into a subclass of the solve dialog widget from the UI. TODO: Write the subclass once you know the parameters for the solve window. """ print("LAUNCHING SOLVE DIALOG...") def __ogl_click_dispatcher(self, event): """ Mode dispatcher for click actions on the OpenGL widget. """ if self.__mode == Mode.OFF: raise InvalidMode(Mode.OFF) MODE_MAP[self.__mode](self.opengl_widget, event)