A computational geometry learning and experimentation tool.
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from .math import Math
from .points import Point, PointSet
class CentroidGrouping:
A storage class used because Points are not hashable (since the x and y
can change). This allows us to do better than just dumping the grouping
into a dictionary with a long tuple pointing at an array.
def __init__(self, centroid, points=None):
if not isinstance(centroid, Point):
ValueError("Centroid must be a Point.")
if not isinstance(points, list):
ValueError("Points must be in a list.")
self.__centroid = centroid
if points is None:
self.__points = []
self.__points = points
def centroid(self):
return self.__centroid
def points(self):
return self.__points
def add_point(self, point):
Adds a point.
@param point The point.
if not isinstance(point, Point):
raise ValueError("Point must be of type Point.")
def __repr__(self):
s = f"CENTROID: {self.__centroid}\n"
s += f"POINTS: {self.__points}"
return s
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.__centroid == other.centroid and
self.__points == other.points)
class Algorithms:
A static class for handling and containing various computational
geometry algorithms.
def euclidean_grouping(centroids, point_set):
Given a point set that EXCLUDES the centroids specified
it returns a map from centroid to array of points, where the array
of points contains the points with the smallest euclidean distance
from that point.
@param centroids The centroids to use.
@param point_set The set of points from the UI excluding centroids.
if not isinstance(point_set, PointSet):
raise ValueError("Euclidean grouping can only be calculated on " +
"PointSet types.")
if not isinstance(centroids, list):
raise ValueError("Centroids must be of type list.")
if not centroids:
raise ValueError("No centroids specified.")
groups = []
for centroid in centroids:
for point in point_set.points:
nearest_distance = float("inf")
nearest_group = None
for current_group in groups:
current_distance = (
Math.euclidean_distance(current_group.centroid, point))
if current_distance < nearest_distance:
nearest_group = current_group
nearest_distance = current_distance
if nearest_group is None:
raise ValueError("Failed to find centroid nearest " +
f"to point {point}")
return groups