A computational geometry learning and experimentation tool.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

300 lines
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from enum import Enum
from PyQt5.QtCore import QEvent, Qt
from PyQt5.QtGui import QCursor
from .exceptions import ExceededWindowBoundsError
from .mode import Mode
from .opengl_widget import (get_bb_bottom_right, get_bb_top_left,
set_drawing_event, set_move_bb_top_left,
set_move_bb_bottom_right, reset_move_bbs,
viewport_height, viewport_width)
from .points import PointSet
from .point_manager import PointManager
class __ClickFlag:
# This is the first stage. On mouse release it goes to
NONE = 0
# We are now in selection box mode.
# Second stage - we have selected a number of points
# and now we are going to track the left mouse button
# to translate those points. After a left click
# this moves to SELECTED_MOVED.
# Any subsequent click in this mode will send it back
# to NONE - we are done.
# Size of point for drawing
# Canvas pixel border - empirical, not sure where this is stored officially
# PointManager is a class that is filled with static methods
# designed for managing state.
PointManager.point_set = PointSet(__POINT_SIZE, viewport_height(),
# Module level flag for left click events (used to detect a left
# click hold drag)
__left_click_flag = __ClickFlag.NONE
# Variable to track the mouse state during selection movement
__last_mouse_pos = None
# Used to implement mouse dragging when clicked
__left_click_down = False
def refresh_point_list(ctx):
Refreshes the point list display.
@param ctx A handle to the window context.
# In order to make some guarantees and avoid duplicate
# data we will clear the point list widget and re-populate
# it using the current __point_set.
for p in PointManager.point_set.points:
ctx.point_list_widget.addItem("({}, {})".format(p.x, p.y))
def __handle_add_point(ctx, event):
Event handler for the add point mode.
Sets the drawing mode for the OpenGL Widget using
`set_drawing_mode`, converts a point to our point
representation, and adds it to the list.
@param ctx A context handle to the main window.
@param event The click event.
# Update information as needed
__handle_info_updates(ctx, event)
if (event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and
event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress):
# At this point we can be sure resize_gl has been called
# at least once, so set the viewport properties of the
# point set so it knows the canvas bounds.
PointManager.point_set.viewport_width = viewport_width()
PointManager.point_set.viewport_height = viewport_height()
# Clear any existing selections
# No attribute at the moment.
PointManager.point_set.add_point(event.x(), event.y())
except ExceededWindowBoundsError:
# The user tried to place a point whos edges would be
# on the outside of the window. We will just ignore it.
def __handle_edit_point(ctx, event):
# TODO: This function and delete definitely need to make sure they are
# on a point we have.
# Since points are unique consider a hashmap of points to make O(1)
# lookups for addition and deletion. This list can be maintained here
# in this module. It should be a dictionary - from point to
# attributes in the case of algorithms that require points to have
# weights or something.
# Should move the associated point in the list to the new location if
# applicable.
__handle_info_updates(ctx, event)
# Store old x, y from event
# after this remove the point from the list
def ogl_keypress_handler(ctx, event):
A keypress handler attached to the OpenGL widget.
It primarily exists to allow the user to cancel selection.
Also allows users to escape from modes.
@param ctx A handle to the window context.
@param event The event associated with this handler.
global __left_click_flag
global __last_mouse_pos
if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape:
if ctx.mode is Mode.MOVE:
if __left_click_flag is not __ClickFlag.NONE:
__last_mouse_pos = None
__left_click_flag = __ClickFlag.NONE
elif ctx.mode is not Mode.OFF:
ctx.mode = Mode.OFF
# Also change the mouse back to normal
def __handle_move_points(ctx, event):
A relatively complicated state machine that handles the process of
selection, clicking, and dragging.
@param ctx The context to the window.
@param event The event.
global __left_click_flag
global __left_mouse_down
global __last_mouse_pos
__handle_info_updates(ctx, event)
# If we release the mouse, we want to quickly alert drag mode.
if (event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and
event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease):
__left_mouse_down = False
# This if statement block is used to set the bounding box for
# drawing and call the selection procedure.
if (event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and
event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress):
__left_mouse_down = True
if __left_click_flag is __ClickFlag.NONE:
__left_click_flag = __ClickFlag.SELECTION_BOX
set_move_bb_top_left(event.x(), event.y())
elif (__left_click_flag is __ClickFlag.SELECTION_BOX
and __left_mouse_down):
# We are now in the click-and-hold to signal move
# tracking and translation
__left_click_flag = __ClickFlag.SELECTION_MOVE
__last_mouse_pos = (event.x(), event.y())
# Post-selection handlers
if (__left_click_flag is __ClickFlag.SELECTION_BOX
and event.type() == QEvent.MouseMove):
set_move_bb_bottom_right(event.x(), event.y())
elif (__left_click_flag is __ClickFlag.SELECTION_MOVE
and __last_mouse_pos is not None
and __left_mouse_down
and event.type() == QEvent.MouseMove):
dx = abs(__last_mouse_pos[0] - event.x())
dy = abs(__last_mouse_pos[1] - event.y())
for p in PointManager.point_set.points:
if p.selected:
# Use the deltas to decide what direction to move.
# We only want to move in small unit increments.
# If we used the deltas directly the points would
# fly off screen quickly as we got farther from our
# start.
if event.x() < __last_mouse_pos[0]:
p.move(-dx, 0)
if event.y() < __last_mouse_pos[1]:
p.move(0, -dy)
if event.x() > __last_mouse_pos[0]:
p.move(dx, 0)
if event.y() > __last_mouse_pos[1]:
p.move(0, dy)
except ExceededWindowBoundsError:
# This point has indicated a move would exceed
# it's bounds, so we'll just go to the next
# point.
__last_mouse_pos = (event.x(), event.y())
elif (__left_click_flag is not __ClickFlag.NONE and
event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease):
if __left_click_flag is __ClickFlag.SELECTION_BOX:
set_move_bb_bottom_right(event.x(), event.y())
# Satisfy the post condition by resetting the bounding box
def __handle_delete_point(ctx, event):
__handle_info_updates(ctx, event)
if (event.button() == Qt.LeftButton and
event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress):
PointManager.point_set.remove_point(event.x(), event.y())
def __handle_info_updates(ctx, event):
Updates data under the "information" header.
@param ctx The context to the main window.
@param event The event.
if event.type() == QEvent.MouseMove:
ctx.mouse_position_label.setText(f"{event.x(), event.y()}")
# Simple dispatcher to make it easy to dispatch the right mode
# function when the OpenGL window is acted on.
Mode.OFF: __handle_info_updates,
Mode.LOADED: __handle_info_updates,
Mode.ADD: __handle_add_point,
Mode.EDIT: __handle_edit_point,
Mode.MOVE: __handle_move_points,
Mode.DELETE: __handle_delete_point