The sequel to clusterview. Built around the point and cluster structure of the kmeans project, aims to improve upon the design and structural weakness of clusterview and add many interesting interactive ways to explore kmeans.
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from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QErrorMessage
from clusterview2.mode import Mode
class ExceededWindowBoundsError(Exception):
class InvalidStateError(Exception):
class InvalidModeError(Exception):
An exception to specify an invalid mode has been provided.
def __init__(self, mode):
Initializes the InvalidMode exception with a
if not isinstance(mode, Mode):
raise ValueError('Mode argument to InvalidMode must be of ' +
' type mode')
# Mode cases for invalid mode
if mode == Mode.OFF:
super().__init__('You must select a mode before continuing.')
def handle_exceptions(func):
A decorator designed to make exceptions thrown
from a function easier to handle.
The result will be that all exceptions coming from
the decorated function will be caught and displayed
as a error message box.
def my_qt_func():
raises SomeException
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
error_dialog = QErrorMessage()
return wrapped