from functools import partial from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5.QtGui import QCursor from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFileDialog, QInputDialog, QMainWindow from clusterview2.exceptions import handle_exceptions from clusterview2.colors import Color from clusterview2.mode import Mode from clusterview2.ui.mode_handlers import (MODE_HANDLER_MAP, ogl_keypress_handler, refresh_point_list, reset_centroid_count_and_colors, generate_random_points) from clusterview2.ui.opengl_widget import (clear_selection, initialize_gl, mouse_leave, paint_gl, resize_gl, set_drawing_context) from clusterview2.points import PointSet from clusterview2.point_manager import PointManager from clusterview2.ui.point_list_widget import item_click_handler from clusterview2_ui import Ui_MainWindow class MainWindow(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): """ A wrapper class for handling creating a window based on the `` code generated from `clusterview.ui`. """ # This is a static mode variable since there will only ever # be one MainWindow. _mode = Mode.OFF def __init__(self, parent=None): super(MainWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) # Size of point for drawing self._point_size = 8 # TODO: THESE ARE HARD CODED TO THE CURRENT QT WIDGET SIZES # FIX THIS PROPERLY WITH A RESIZE EVENT DETECT. # PointManager is a class that is filled with static methods # designed for managing state. self._viewport_width = 833 self._viewport_height = 656 PointManager.point_set = PointSet(self._point_size, self._viewport_width, self._viewport_height) # Spin box should only allow the number of centroids to be no # greater than the number of supported colors minus 2 to exclude # the color for selection (Color.BLUE) and the default color for points # (Color.GREY). self.number_of_centroids.setMinimum(0) self.number_of_centroids.setMaximum(Color.count() - 2) # We only need to set the context in our OpenGL state machine # wrapper once here since the window is fixed size. # If we allow resizing of the window, the context must be updated # each resize so that coordinates are converted from screen (x, y) # to OpenGL coordinates properly. set_drawing_context(self) # Enables mouse tracking on the viewport so mouseMoveEvents are # tracked and fired properly. self.opengl_widget.setMouseTracking(True) # Enable keyboard input capture on the OpenGL Widget self.opengl_widget.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) # Here we partially apply the key press handler with self to # create a new function that only expects the event `keyPressEvent` # expects. In this way, we've snuck the state of the opengl_widget # into the function so that we can modify it as we please. self.opengl_widget.keyPressEvent = partial(ogl_keypress_handler, self) # Same story here but this time with the itemClicked event # so that when an element is clicked on in the point list it will # highlight. self.point_list_widget.itemClicked.connect(partial(item_click_handler, self)) self.choose_centroids_button.clicked.connect(self._choose_centroids) self.unweighted_clustering_button.clicked.connect(self._unweighted_clustering) self.reset_button.clicked.connect(self._reset) # ----------------------------------------------- # OpenGL Graphics Handlers are set # here and defined in clusterview.opengl_widget. # ----------------------------------------------- self.opengl_widget.initializeGL = initialize_gl self.opengl_widget.paintGL = paint_gl self.opengl_widget.resizeGL = resize_gl self.opengl_widget.leaveEvent = partial(mouse_leave, self) # ------------------------------------- # UI Handlers # ------------------------------------- self.action_add_points.triggered.connect(self._add_points) self.action_edit_points.triggered.connect(self._edit_points) self.action_delete_points.triggered.connect(self._delete_points) self.action_move_points.triggered.connect(self._move_points) (self.action_generate_random_points .triggered.connect(self._generate_random_points)) self.action_save_point_configuration.triggered.connect( self._save_points_file) self.action_load_point_configuration.triggered.connect( self._open_points_file) self.action_exit.triggered.connect(self._close_event) # Override handler for mouse press so we can draw points based on # the OpenGL coordinate system inside of the OpenGL Widget. self.opengl_widget.mousePressEvent = self._ogl_click_dispatcher self.opengl_widget.mouseMoveEvent = self._ogl_click_dispatcher self.opengl_widget.mouseReleaseEvent = self._ogl_click_dispatcher # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Mode changers - these will be used to signal the action in the # OpenGL Widget. # ----------------------------------------------------------------- def _off_mode(self): self._mode = Mode.OFF self.opengl_widget.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.CursorShape.ArrowCursor)) self.status_bar.showMessage('') clear_selection() self.opengl_widget.update() def _add_points(self): self._mode = Mode.ADD self.opengl_widget.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.CursorShape.CrossCursor)) self.status_bar.showMessage('ADD MODE') clear_selection() self.opengl_widget.update() def _edit_points(self): self._mode = Mode.EDIT self.opengl_widget.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.CursorShape.CrossCursor)) self.status_bar.showMessage('EDIT MODE') clear_selection() self.opengl_widget.update() def _delete_points(self): self._mode = Mode.DELETE self.opengl_widget.setCursor(QCursor( Qt.CursorShape.PointingHandCursor)) self.status_bar.showMessage('DELETE MODE') clear_selection() self.opengl_widget.update() def _move_points(self): self._mode = Mode.MOVE self.opengl_widget.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.CursorShape.SizeAllCursor)) self.status_bar.showMessage('MOVE MODE - PRESS ESC OR SWITCH MODES ' + 'TO CANCEL SELECTION') clear_selection() self.opengl_widget.update() def _choose_centroids(self): self._mode = Mode.CHOOSE_CENTROIDS self.opengl_widget.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.CursorShape.CrossCursor)) self.status_bar.showMessage('CHOOSE CENTROIDS') clear_selection() self.opengl_widget.update() def _unweighted_clustering(self): self._mode = Mode.UNWEIGHTED_CLUSTERING self.opengl_widget.setCursor(QCursor(Qt.CursorShape.ArrowCursor)) self.status_bar.showMessage('UNWEIGHTED CLUSTERING') clear_selection() # unweighted_clustering(self) self._off_mode() self.opengl_widget.update() def _reset(self): self._off_mode() self.number_of_centroids.setEnabled(True) self.number_of_centroids.setValue(0) self.choose_centroids_button.setEnabled(True) self.unweighted_clustering_button.setEnabled(False) self.weighted_clustering_button.setEnabled(False) PointManager.centroids = [] reset_centroid_count_and_colors() def _generate_random_points(self): value, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self, 'Number of Points', 'Number of Points:', 30, 30, 3000, 1) if ok: self._mode = Mode.ADD generate_random_points(value, (self._viewport_width - self._point_size), (self._viewport_height - self._point_size) ) self._mode = Mode.OFF self.opengl_widget.update() refresh_point_list(self) @property def mode(self): """" Function designed to be used from a context to get the current mode. """ return self._mode @mode.setter def mode(self, mode): self._mode = mode def _close_event(self, event): import sys sys.exit(0) def _open_points_file(self): ofile, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open Point Configuration', '', 'JSON files (*.json)') if ofile: self._mode = Mode.LOADED PointManager.load(ofile) self.opengl_widget.update() refresh_point_list(self) def _save_points_file(self): file_name, _ = (QFileDialog. getSaveFileName(self, 'Save Point Configuration', '', 'JSON Files (*.json)')) if file_name: @handle_exceptions def _ogl_click_dispatcher(self, event): """ Mode dispatcher for click actions on the OpenGL widget. """ # Map from Mode -> function # where the function is a handler for the # OpenGL event. The context passed to these functions allows # them to modify on screen widgets such as the QOpenGLWidget and # QListWidget. MODE_HANDLER_MAP[self._mode](self, event)