# Computational Geometry in C, 2nd Edition This is the project I use for storing all of the code in the book _Computational Geometry in C, 2nd Edition_ by Joseph O'Rourke. Much of the code is copied verbatim, however I took the time to fix a few memory leaks and made other small changes to make the code more maintainable across different chapters. In particular, I wrote the code without an assumption of a global vertex pointer in order to make debugging functions significantly easier. I also added a few freeing functions that were not featured in the book. ## Some Notes There are a handful of instances where I am using constant pointers or double pointers (pointers to pointers) that I need to go back and fix. Additionally, Valgrind does not work on OS X right now (1/26/2020) so I cannot verify the code is leak-free. ## Compilation and Running To compile the code: ```sh cd cmake . make ./bin/cgc ```