#include "vertex.h" #include "math.h" struct Vertex *new_vertex(int number, int x, int y) { struct Vertex *newv = (struct Vertex *)malloc(sizeof(struct Vertex)); if (newv == NULL) { printf("Out of memory"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } newv->number = number; newv->coordinates[0] = x; newv->coordinates[1] = y; newv->ear = false; return newv; } void add_vertex(struct Vertex *head, struct Vertex *parent, struct Vertex *child) { parent->next = child; child->prev = parent; child->next = head; head->prev = child; }; void free_vertex(struct Vertex *vertex) { if (vertex != NULL) { free(vertex); } } void free_polygon(struct Vertex **head) { if(head == NULL) { return; } while(*head != NULL) { // Double pointer so we can set the pointer itself to null. struct Vertex **temp = head; (*head) = (*head)->next; free(*temp); *temp = NULL; } } void print_vertex(const struct Vertex *vertex) { printf("VERTEX {number: %d x: %d y: %d ear: %d}\n", vertex->number, vertex->coordinates[X], vertex->coordinates[Y], vertex->ear); } void print_polygon(const struct Vertex *head) { const struct Vertex *v = head->next; while(v != head) { print_vertex(v); v = v->next; } } void init_ear(struct Vertex *head) { // 3 consecutive vertices struct Vertex *v0; struct Vertex *v1; struct Vertex *v2; // Initialize v1->ear for all vertices v1 = head; do { v2 = v1->next; v0 = v1->prev; // If v0v2 is a diagonal, v1 is an ear by definition. v1->ear = diagonal(head, v0, v2); // Move one point over and run it again. v1 = v1->next; } while (v1 != head); } int vertex_count(const struct Vertex *head) { int sum = 1; const struct Vertex *v = head->next; while(v != head) { sum++; v = v->next; } return sum; }