V2 Emacs config now kept as it's own repository.
Taylor Bockman 311ce46575 Update some python stuff, company-mode global test. 2 years ago
elisp Update some python stuff, company-mode global test. 2 years ago
.gitignore Add recentf to gitignore, automatically generated custom.el stuff. 2 years ago
README.md Add screenshot. 2 years ago
emacs.png Better screenshot. 2 years ago
init.el init 2 years ago


Emacs Configuration

Version 2 of my Emacs Configuration updated for Emacs 28.2. Most bindings are kept default. If there are binding changes they are listed here.

Clone this repo into your home directory using:

git clone git@git.xchg.sh:angrygoats/emacs-config.git .emacs.d

emacs screenshot


By default init.el spins up an Emacs server as it's last task. You can set EDITOR to emacsclient in order to use your existing Emacs session quickly for tasks like mail (if you use a text-based mail editor). See this helpful documentation on using Emacs as a server.

Private Configurations

Sometimes you have certain things that a library might require but you don't want committed to your dotfiles. This git project will ignore private.el. You may put your private information in ~/.emacs.d/elisp/private.el for it to be loaded.


ibuffer has been configured to filter/folderize common things such as source code, magit, etc for easier management. To launch it, use C-x C-b.


For full use of the markdown mode you will need a markdown preprocessor installed such as pandoc or multimarkdown. The current configuration is set to use multimarkdown. You may wish to install it using your package manager.


magit is installed. Learn to use it.


A nice tree is provided (with icons) by Neotree. You can toggle the tree by using ``C-```

Project Management

Projectile is installed. You may learn more about how to use it here.

Syntax Checking

flycheck is installed. To list errors found by flycheck you can click the modeline error indicator or type C-c ! l to list them in a new buffer.

Switching Between Windows

To go forward and backward between windows the bindings have been changed to C-. and C-, respectively. Now, you can simply hold control and press one more key in order to switch between windows easily. Additionally you may use M-<arrow> where <arrow> is your left, right, up, or down arrow key in order to move between windows.



SLIME is installed and automatically configured to sbcl. To evalute the current defun in SLIME press <f2>. To evalute the buffer press <f1>.

Notes on SLIME

When starting you may get an error about an improper number of arguments being passed. Upon tracing the error you will see that something in hyperspec.el is causing an issue. The fix that worked for me is to manually run SLIME via M-x slime. After that things will get compiled and use-package will then proceed to work as normal. For a first installation even use-package may fail. In this case you will need to do M-x package-install and type slime to install SLIME and then proceed with the fix.