[<- widgets](https://github.com/copycat-killer/lain/wiki/Widgets)

Shows and controls keyboard layouts and variants using `setxkbmap`.

	mykbdlayout = lain.widgets.contrib.kbdlayout()

### input table

Variable | Meaning | Type | Default
--- | --- | --- | ---
`layouts` | Keyboard layouts and variants to switch between | table | **none**
`add_us_secondary` | Whether to add `us` as a secondary layout | boolean | true
`timeout` | Refresh timeout (in seconds) | int | 10
`settings` | User settings | function | empty function

- `layouts`

    A table (array) which contains tables with keys indicating layout and (optionally) variant. This argument is **mandatory**.

- `add_us_secondary`

    A boolean controlling whether to add `us` as a secondary layout. This is needed in order for keyboard shortcuts to work in certain applications, i.e. Firefox, while using a non-US keyboard layout.

- `timeout`

    An integer which determines the interval at which the widget will be updated, in case the keyboard layout was changed by other means.

- `settings`

    A "callback" function in which the user is expected to set the text widget up. The widget itself is available as the global variable `widget`, while layout information is available as `kbdlayout_now`. `kbdlayout_now` contains two keys, `layout` containing the primary layout, and `variant`, containing the variant. If there is no variant, `variant` is `nil`. 

## output table

Variable | Meaning | Type
--- | --- | ---
`widget` | The widget (textbox) | `awful.widget.textbox`
`update` | Function to update the widget and call `settings` | function
`set` | Function taking an index as an argument to manually set the layout given by that index | function
`next` | Change to the next layout | function
`prev` | Change to the prev layout | function

## usage

The textbox can be added to the layout via standard means:


By default, left-clicking the textbox calls `next`, and right-clicking calls `prev`. You can set up additional key- or mouse-bindings. See the example below.

## example

    -- Switch between US Dvorak and DE layouts.
    mykbdlayout = lain.widgets.contrib.kbdlayout({
                      layouts = {{ layout="us", variant="dvorak" },
	                             { layout="de" }},
			          settings = function ()
                          if kbdlayout_now.variant then
                              widget:set_text(" " .. kbdlayout_now.layout .. "/" .. kbdlayout_now.variant .. " ")
                              widget:set_text(" " .. kbdlayout_now.layout .. " ")

    -- Add to the layout.

    -- Add this key binding to your global keys to
    -- add traditional Alt+Shift switching.
    awful.key({ "Mod1" }, "Shift_L", function () mykbdlayout.next() end)