[<- widgets](https://github.com/copycat-killer/lain/wiki/Widgets) Shows and controls alsa volume with a progressbar; provides tooltips, notifications, and color changes at mute/unmute switch. volume = lain.widgets.alsabar() * Left click: Launch `alsamixer` in your `terminal`. * Right click: Mute/unmute. * Scroll wheel: Increase/decrase volume. The function takes a table as optional argument, which can contain: Variable | Meaning | Type | Default --- | --- | --- | --- `timeout` | Refresh timeout seconds | int | 5 `settings` | User settings | function | empty function `width` | Bar width | int | 63 `height` | Bar height | int | 1 `ticks` | Set bar ticks on | boolean | false `ticks_size` | Ticks size | int | 7 `vertical` | Set the bar vertical | boolean | false `command` | ALSA mixer command | string | "amixer" `channel` | Mixer channel | string | "Master" `step` | Step at which volume is increased/decreased | string | "2%" `colors` | Bar colors | table | see **colors** `notifications` | Notifications settings | table | see **notifications** `followmouse` | Notification behaviour | bool | false `command` is useful if you need to pass additional arguments to amixer. For instance, users with multiple sound cards may define `command = "amixer -c X"` in order to set amixer with card `X`. ### colors Variable | Meaning | Type | Default --- | --- | --- | --- `background` | Bar backgrund color | string | `beautiful.bg_normal` `mute` | Bar mute color | string | "#EB8F8F" `unmute` | Bar unmute color | string | "#A4CE8A" ### notifications Variable | Meaning | Type | Default --- | --- | --- | --- `font` | Notifications font | string | The one defined in `beautiful.font` `font_size` | Notifications font size | string | "11" `color` | Notifications color | string | `beautiful.fg_normal` `bar_size` | Wibox height | int | 18 `screen` | Notifications screen | int | 1 It's **crucial** to set `notifications.bar_size` to your `mywibox[s]` height. `settings` can use the following variables: Variable | Meaning | Type | Values --- | --- | --- | --- `volume_now.level` | Self explained | int | 0-100 `volume_now.status` | Device status | string | "on", "off" ### output table Variable | Meaning | Type --- | --- | --- `bar` | The widget | `awful.widget.progressbar` `channel` | Alsa channel | string `card` | Alsa card | string `step` | Increase/decrease step | string `notify` | The notification | function In multiple screen setups, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen when the widget is hovered with the mouse. By setting `followmouse` to `true` it will be shown on the same screen containing the widget. You can control the widget with key bindings like these: ```lua -- ALSA volume control awful.key({ altkey }, "Up", function () os.execute(string.format("amixer set %s %s+", volume.channel, volume.step)) volume.update() end), awful.key({ altkey }, "Down", function () os.execute(string.format("amixer set %s %s-", volume.channel, volume.step)) volume.update() end), awful.key({ altkey }, "m", function () os.execute(string.format("amixer set %s toggle", volume.channel)) volume.update() end), awful.key({ altkey, "Control" }, "m", function () os.execute(string.format("amixer set %s 100%%", volume.channel)) volume.update() end), ``` where `altkey = "Mod1"`.