;; is a mode bind for compile/eval based on language (global-unset-key (kbd "")) (global-unset-key (kbd "")) ;; Load up swiper search with C-s (global-set-key "\C-s" 'swiper) ;; High powered fuzzy searching for large projects using ;; projectile--find-file. (global-set-key (kbd "C-x f") 'projectile--find-file) ;; Ivy (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-r") 'ivy-resume) ;; Switch windows with M-o (global-set-key (kbd "M-o") 'other-window) ;; Bind pytest in python mode to M-p (define-key python-mode-map (kbd "M-p") 'python-pytest-file) ;; Git - Magit (global-set-key (kbd "C-x g") 'magit-status) ;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lisp Binds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;; Note: SLIME bindings require slime to be running. ;; Press in lisp mode to evaluate the buffer in SLIME (define-key lisp-mode-map (kbd "") 'slime-eval-buffer) ;; Press in lisp mode to evaluate the current defun in SLIME. (define-key lisp-mode-map (kbd "") 'slime-eval-defun) ;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (with-eval-after-load 'counsel-gtags (define-key counsel-gtags-mode-map (kbd "M-t") 'counsel-gtags-find-definition) (define-key counsel-gtags-mode-map (kbd "M-r") 'counsel-gtags-find-reference) (define-key counsel-gtags-mode-map (kbd "M-s") 'counsel-gtags-find-symbol) (define-key counsel-gtags-mode-map (kbd "M-,") 'counsel-gtags-go-backward))