[<- widgets](https://github.com/copycat-killer/lain/wiki/Widgets) Shows mail count in a textbox fetching over IMAP. myimapcheck = lain.widgets.imap(args) New mails are notified like this: +--------------------------------------------+ | +---+ | | |\ /| donald@disney.org has 3 new messages | | +---+ | +--------------------------------------------+ The function takes a table as argument. Required table parameters are: Variable | Meaning | Type --- | --- | --- `server` | Mail server | string `mail` | User mail | string `password` | User password | string while the optional are: Variable | Meaning | Type | Default --- | --- | --- | --- `port` | IMAP port | int | 993 `timeout` | Refresh timeout seconds | int | 60 `is_plain` | Define whether `password` is a plain password (true) or a function that retrieves it (false) | boolean | false `followmouse` | Notification behaviour | boolean | false `settings` | User settings | function | empty function Let's focus better on `is_plain`. The reason why it's false by default is to discourage the habit of storing passwords in plain. So you can set your password in plain like this: myimapcheck = lain.widgets.imap({ is_plain = true, password = "myplainpassword", [...] }) and you'll have the same security provided by `~/.netrc`. **Or** you can use a keyring, like [python keyring](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/keyring): myimapcheck = lain.widgets.imap({ password = "keyring get mymail", [...] }) When `is_plain == false`, it *executes* `password` before using it, so you can also use whatever password fetching solution you want. `settings` can use the value `mailcount`, an integer greater or equal to zero, and can modify `mail_notification_preset` table, which will be the preset for the naughty notifications. Check [here](http://awesome.naquadah.org/doc/api/modules/naughty.html#notify) for the list of variables it can contain. Default definition: mail_notification _preset = { icon = lain/icons/mail.png, position = "top_left" } Note that `mailcount` is 0 either if there are no new mails or credentials are invalid, so make sure you get the right settings. In multiple screen setups, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen. By setting `followmouse` to `true` it will be shown on the current mouse screen. ***This widget is asynchronous***, so you can have multiple instances at the same time. ### output A textbox.