;;; s.el --- The long lost Emacs string manipulation library. ;; Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Magnar Sveen ;; Author: Magnar Sveen ;; Version: 1.10.0 ;; Package-Version: 20150924.406 ;; Keywords: strings ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; The long lost Emacs string manipulation library. ;; ;; See documentation on https://github.com/magnars/s.el#functions ;;; Code: (require 'ucs-normalize) (defun s-trim-left (s) "Remove whitespace at the beginning of S." (if (string-match "\\`[ \t\n\r]+" s) (replace-match "" t t s) s)) (defun s-trim-right (s) "Remove whitespace at the end of S." (if (string-match "[ \t\n\r]+\\'" s) (replace-match "" t t s) s)) (defun s-trim (s) "Remove whitespace at the beginning and end of S." (s-trim-left (s-trim-right s))) (defun s-collapse-whitespace (s) "Convert all adjacent whitespace characters to a single space." (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n\r]+" " " s)) (defun s-split (separator s &optional omit-nulls) "Split S into substrings bounded by matches for regexp SEPARATOR. If OMIT-NULLS is non-nil, zero-length substrings are omitted. This is a simple wrapper around the built-in `split-string'." (split-string s separator omit-nulls)) (defun s-split-up-to (separator s n &optional omit-nulls) "Split S up to N times into substrings bounded by matches for regexp SEPARATOR. If OMIT-NULLS is non-nil, zero-length substrings are omitted. See also `s-split'." (save-match-data (let ((op 0) (r nil)) (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (setq op (goto-char (point-min))) (while (and (re-search-forward separator nil t) (< 0 n)) (let ((sub (buffer-substring-no-properties op (match-beginning 0)))) (unless (and omit-nulls (equal sub "")) (push sub r))) (setq op (goto-char (match-end 0))) (setq n (1- n))) (let ((sub (buffer-substring-no-properties op (point-max)))) (unless (and omit-nulls (equal sub "")) (push sub r)))) (nreverse r)))) (defun s-lines (s) "Splits S into a list of strings on newline characters." (s-split "\\(\r\n\\|[\n\r]\\)" s)) (defun s-join (separator strings) "Join all the strings in STRINGS with SEPARATOR in between." (mapconcat 'identity strings separator)) (defun s-concat (&rest strings) "Join all the string arguments into one string." (apply 'concat strings)) (defun s-prepend (prefix s) "Concatenate PREFIX and S." (concat prefix s)) (defun s-append (suffix s) "Concatenate S and SUFFIX." (concat s suffix)) (defun s-repeat (num s) "Make a string of S repeated NUM times." (let (ss) (while (> num 0) (setq ss (cons s ss)) (setq num (1- num))) (apply 'concat ss))) (defun s-chop-suffix (suffix s) "Remove SUFFIX if it is at end of S." (let ((pos (- (length suffix)))) (if (and (>= (length s) (length suffix)) (string= suffix (substring s pos))) (substring s 0 pos) s))) (defun s-chop-suffixes (suffixes s) "Remove SUFFIXES one by one in order, if they are at the end of S." (while suffixes (setq s (s-chop-suffix (car suffixes) s)) (setq suffixes (cdr suffixes))) s) (defun s-chop-prefix (prefix s) "Remove PREFIX if it is at the start of S." (let ((pos (length prefix))) (if (and (>= (length s) (length prefix)) (string= prefix (substring s 0 pos))) (substring s pos) s))) (defun s-chop-prefixes (prefixes s) "Remove PREFIXES one by one in order, if they are at the start of S." (while prefixes (setq s (s-chop-prefix (car prefixes) s)) (setq prefixes (cdr prefixes))) s) (defun s-shared-start (s1 s2) "Returns the longest prefix S1 and S2 have in common." (let ((search-length (min (length s1) (length s2))) (i 0)) (while (and (< i search-length) (= (aref s1 i) (aref s2 i))) (setq i (1+ i))) (substring s1 0 i))) (defun s-shared-end (s1 s2) "Returns the longest suffix S1 and S2 have in common." (let* ((l1 (length s1)) (l2 (length s2)) (search-length (min l1 l2)) (i 0)) (while (and (< i search-length) (= (aref s1 (- l1 i 1)) (aref s2 (- l2 i 1)))) (setq i (1+ i))) ;; If I is 0, then it means that there's no common suffix between ;; S1 and S2. ;; ;; However, since (substring s (- 0)) will return the whole ;; string, `s-shared-end' should simply return the empty string ;; when I is 0. (if (zerop i) "" (substring s1 (- i))))) (defun s-chomp (s) "Remove one trailing `\\n`, `\\r` or `\\r\\n` from S." (s-chop-suffixes '("\n" "\r") s)) (defun s-truncate (len s) "If S is longer than LEN, cut it down to LEN - 3 and add ... at the end." (if (> (length s) len) (format "%s..." (substring s 0 (- len 3))) s)) (defun s-word-wrap (len s) "If S is longer than LEN, wrap the words with newlines." (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (let ((fill-column len)) (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))) (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))) (defun s-center (len s) "If S is shorter than LEN, pad it with spaces so it is centered." (let ((extra (max 0 (- len (length s))))) (concat (make-string (ceiling extra 2) ? ) s (make-string (floor extra 2) ? )))) (defun s-pad-left (len padding s) "If S is shorter than LEN, pad it with PADDING on the left." (let ((extra (max 0 (- len (length s))))) (concat (make-string extra (string-to-char padding)) s))) (defun s-pad-right (len padding s) "If S is shorter than LEN, pad it with PADDING on the right." (let ((extra (max 0 (- len (length s))))) (concat s (make-string extra (string-to-char padding))))) (defun s-left (len s) "Returns up to the LEN first chars of S." (if (> (length s) len) (substring s 0 len) s)) (defun s-right (len s) "Returns up to the LEN last chars of S." (let ((l (length s))) (if (> l len) (substring s (- l len) l) s))) (defun s-ends-with? (suffix s &optional ignore-case) "Does S end with SUFFIX? If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying attention to case differences. Alias: `s-suffix?'" (let ((start-pos (- (length s) (length suffix)))) (and (>= start-pos 0) (eq t (compare-strings suffix nil nil s start-pos nil ignore-case))))) (defalias 's-ends-with-p 's-ends-with?) (defun s-starts-with? (prefix s &optional ignore-case) "Does S start with PREFIX? If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying attention to case differences. Alias: `s-prefix?'. This is a simple wrapper around the built-in `string-prefix-p'." (string-prefix-p prefix s ignore-case)) (defalias 's-starts-with-p 's-starts-with?) (defalias 's-suffix? 's-ends-with?) (defalias 's-prefix? 's-starts-with?) (defalias 's-suffix-p 's-ends-with?) (defalias 's-prefix-p 's-starts-with?) (defun s--truthy? (val) (not (null val))) (defun s-contains? (needle s &optional ignore-case) "Does S contain NEEDLE? If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying attention to case differences." (let ((case-fold-search ignore-case)) (s--truthy? (string-match-p (regexp-quote needle) s)))) (defalias 's-contains-p 's-contains?) (defun s-equals? (s1 s2) "Is S1 equal to S2? This is a simple wrapper around the built-in `string-equal'." (string-equal s1 s2)) (defalias 's-equals-p 's-equals?) (defun s-less? (s1 s2) "Is S1 less than S2? This is a simple wrapper around the built-in `string-lessp'." (string-lessp s1 s2)) (defalias 's-less-p 's-less?) (defun s-matches? (regexp s &optional start) "Does REGEXP match S? If START is non-nil the search starts at that index. This is a simple wrapper around the built-in `string-match-p'." (s--truthy? (string-match-p regexp s start))) (defalias 's-matches-p 's-matches?) (defun s-blank? (s) "Is S nil or the empty string?" (or (null s) (string= "" s))) (defun s-present? (s) "Is S anything but nil or the empty string?" (not (s-blank? s))) (defun s-presence (s) "Return S if it's `s-present?', otherwise return nil." (and (s-present? s) s)) (defun s-lowercase? (s) "Are all the letters in S in lower case?" (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (not (string-match-p "[[:upper:]]" s)))) (defun s-uppercase? (s) "Are all the letters in S in upper case?" (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (not (string-match-p "[[:lower:]]" s)))) (defun s-mixedcase? (s) "Are there both lower case and upper case letters in S?" (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (s--truthy? (and (string-match-p "[[:lower:]]" s) (string-match-p "[[:upper:]]" s))))) (defun s-capitalized? (s) "In S, is the first letter upper case, and all other letters lower case?" (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (s--truthy? (string-match-p "^[[:upper:]][^[:upper:]]*$" s)))) (defun s-numeric? (s) "Is S a number?" (s--truthy? (string-match-p "^[0-9]+$" s))) (defun s-replace (old new s) "Replaces OLD with NEW in S." (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-quote old) new s t t)) (defun s--aget (alist key) (cdr (assoc key alist))) (defun s-replace-all (replacements s) "REPLACEMENTS is a list of cons-cells. Each `car` is replaced with `cdr` in S." (replace-regexp-in-string (regexp-opt (mapcar 'car replacements)) (lambda (it) (s--aget replacements it)) s)) (defun s-downcase (s) "Convert S to lower case. This is a simple wrapper around the built-in `downcase'." (downcase s)) (defun s-upcase (s) "Convert S to upper case. This is a simple wrapper around the built-in `upcase'." (upcase s)) (defun s-capitalize (s) "Convert the first word's first character to upper case and the rest to lower case in S." (concat (upcase (substring s 0 1)) (downcase (substring s 1)))) (defun s-titleize (s) "Convert each word's first character to upper case and the rest to lower case in S. This is a simple wrapper around the built-in `capitalize'." (capitalize s)) (defmacro s-with (s form &rest more) "Threads S through the forms. Inserts S as the last item in the first form, making a list of it if it is not a list already. If there are more forms, inserts the first form as the last item in second form, etc." (declare (debug (form &rest [&or (function &rest form) fboundp]))) (if (null more) (if (listp form) `(,(car form) ,@(cdr form) ,s) (list form s)) `(s-with (s-with ,s ,form) ,@more))) (put 's-with 'lisp-indent-function 1) (defun s-index-of (needle s &optional ignore-case) "Returns first index of NEEDLE in S, or nil. If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is done without paying attention to case differences." (let ((case-fold-search ignore-case)) (string-match-p (regexp-quote needle) s))) (defun s-reverse (s) "Return the reverse of S." (if (multibyte-string-p s) (let ((input (string-to-list s)) (output ())) (while input ;; Handle entire grapheme cluster as a single unit (let ((grapheme (list (pop input)))) (while (memql (car input) ucs-normalize-combining-chars) (push (pop input) grapheme)) (setq output (nconc (nreverse grapheme) output)))) (concat output)) (concat (nreverse (string-to-list s))))) (defun s-match-strings-all (regex string) "Return a list of matches for REGEX in STRING. Each element itself is a list of matches, as per `match-string'. Multiple matches at the same position will be ignored after the first." (let ((all-strings ()) (i 0)) (while (and (< i (length string)) (string-match regex string i)) (setq i (1+ (match-beginning 0))) (let (strings (num-matches (/ (length (match-data)) 2)) (match 0)) (while (/= match num-matches) (push (match-string match string) strings) (setq match (1+ match))) (push (nreverse strings) all-strings))) (nreverse all-strings))) (defun s-match (regexp s &optional start) "When the given expression matches the string, this function returns a list of the whole matching string and a string for each matched subexpressions. If it did not match the returned value is an empty list (nil). When START is non-nil the search will start at that index." (save-match-data (if (string-match regexp s start) (let ((match-data-list (match-data)) result) (while match-data-list (let* ((beg (car match-data-list)) (end (cadr match-data-list)) (subs (if (and beg end) (substring s beg end) nil))) (setq result (cons subs result)) (setq match-data-list (cddr match-data-list)))) (nreverse result))))) (defun s-slice-at (regexp s) "Slices S up at every index matching REGEXP." (save-match-data (let (i) (setq i (string-match regexp s 1)) (if i (cons (substring s 0 i) (s-slice-at regexp (substring s i))) (list s))))) (defun s-split-words (s) "Split S into list of words." (s-split "[^[:word:]0-9]+" (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (replace-regexp-in-string "\\([[:lower:]]\\)\\([[:upper:]]\\)" "\\1 \\2" (replace-regexp-in-string "\\([[:upper:]]\\)\\([[:upper:]][0-9[:lower:]]\\)" "\\1 \\2" s))) t)) (defun s--mapcar-head (fn-head fn-rest list) "Like MAPCAR, but applies a different function to the first element." (if list (cons (funcall fn-head (car list)) (mapcar fn-rest (cdr list))))) (defun s-lower-camel-case (s) "Convert S to lowerCamelCase." (s-join "" (s--mapcar-head 'downcase 'capitalize (s-split-words s)))) (defun s-upper-camel-case (s) "Convert S to UpperCamelCase." (s-join "" (mapcar 'capitalize (s-split-words s)))) (defun s-snake-case (s) "Convert S to snake_case." (s-join "_" (mapcar 'downcase (s-split-words s)))) (defun s-dashed-words (s) "Convert S to dashed-words." (s-join "-" (mapcar 'downcase (s-split-words s)))) (defun s-capitalized-words (s) "Convert S to Capitalized words." (let ((words (s-split-words s))) (s-join " " (cons (capitalize (car words)) (mapcar 'downcase (cdr words)))))) (defun s-titleized-words (s) "Convert S to Titleized Words." (s-join " " (mapcar 's-titleize (s-split-words s)))) (defun s-word-initials (s) "Convert S to its initials." (s-join "" (mapcar (lambda (ss) (substring ss 0 1)) (s-split-words s)))) ;; Errors for s-format (progn (put 's-format-resolve 'error-conditions '(error s-format s-format-resolve)) (put 's-format-resolve 'error-message "Cannot resolve a template to values")) (defun s-format (template replacer &optional extra) "Format TEMPLATE with the function REPLACER. REPLACER takes an argument of the format variable and optionally an extra argument which is the EXTRA value from the call to `s-format'. Several standard `s-format' helper functions are recognized and adapted for this: (s-format \"${name}\" 'gethash hash-table) (s-format \"${name}\" 'aget alist) (s-format \"$0\" 'elt sequence) The REPLACER function may be used to do any other kind of transformation." (let ((saved-match-data (match-data))) (unwind-protect (replace-regexp-in-string "\\$\\({\\([^}]+\\)}\\|[0-9]+\\)" (lambda (md) (let ((var (let ((m (match-string 2 md))) (if m m (string-to-number (match-string 1 md))))) (replacer-match-data (match-data))) (unwind-protect (let ((v (cond ((eq replacer 'gethash) (funcall replacer var extra)) ((eq replacer 'aget) (funcall 's--aget extra var)) ((eq replacer 'elt) (funcall replacer extra var)) (t (set-match-data saved-match-data) (if extra (funcall replacer var extra) (funcall replacer var)))))) (if v v (signal 's-format-resolve md))) (set-match-data replacer-match-data)))) template ;; Need literal to make sure it works t t) (set-match-data saved-match-data)))) (defvar s-lex-value-as-lisp nil "If `t' interpolate lisp values as lisp. `s-lex-format' inserts values with (format \"%S\").") (defun s-lex-fmt|expand (fmt) "Expand FMT into lisp." (list 's-format fmt (quote 'aget) (append '(list) (mapcar (lambda (matches) (list 'cons (cadr matches) `(format (if s-lex-value-as-lisp "%S" "%s") ,(intern (cadr matches))))) (s-match-strings-all "${\\([^}]+\\)}" fmt))))) (defmacro s-lex-format (format-str) "`s-format` with the current environment. FORMAT-STR may use the `s-format' variable reference to refer to any variable: (let ((x 1)) (s-lex-format \"x is: ${x}\")) The values of the variables are interpolated with \"%s\" unless the variable `s-lex-value-as-lisp' is `t' and then they are interpolated with \"%S\"." (declare (debug (form))) (s-lex-fmt|expand format-str)) (defun s-count-matches (regexp s &optional start end) "Count occurrences of `regexp' in `s'. `start', inclusive, and `end', exclusive, delimit the part of `s' to match. " (with-temp-buffer (insert s) (goto-char (point-min)) (count-matches regexp (or start 1) (or end (point-max))))) (defun s-wrap (s prefix &optional suffix) "Wrap string S with PREFIX and optionally SUFFIX. Return string S with PREFIX prepended. If SUFFIX is present, it is appended, otherwise PREFIX is used as both prefix and suffix." (concat prefix s (or suffix prefix))) (provide 's) ;;; s.el ends here