# ZSH Configuration The ZSH configuration is completely modularized to make management easier. The following are brief descriptions of each file: * `zshrc`: The main ZSH configuration sourced for non-login interactive terminals. * `zprofile`: The main ZSH configuration sourced for login interactive terminals. Also sources `zshrc`. * `functions.zsh`: A file containing function definitions for utilities. * `aliases.zsh`: A file containing aliases sourced into the terminal. * `exports.zsh`: A file containing all exports not found in `zprofile`. * `initializations.zsh`: A file containing initialization code for various tasks such as RVM directories, pyenv, etc. * `ps1.zsh`: Defines the terminal prompt. ## Git Completion Git completion is automatically installed on first run to `.zsh` in the users home. This is all created for you and nothing needs to be done. Should the curl commands fail to pull the correct files from the `git` github repository you will need to source both `git-completion.bash` and `git-completion.zsh` and adjust the script appropriately or place them in a `.zsh` directory in `$HOME`.