A computational geometry learning and experimentation tool.
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from math import floor
from .exceptions import ExceededWindowBoundsError
class Point:
A class representing a point. A point
has a point_size bounding box around
def __init__(self, x, y, point_size, viewport_width, viewport_height):
Initializes a new point with a point_size bounding box.
Initialized with additional viewport data to make sure the
move function refuses to move a point outside the screen.
@param x The x-coordinate.
@param y The y-coordinate.
@param point_size The size of the point in pixels.
@param viewport_width The width of the viewport.
@param viewport_height The height of the viewport.
self.__point_size = point_size
self.__x = x
self.__y = y
self.__viewport_width = viewport_width
self.__viewport_height = viewport_height
self.__check_window_bounds(x, y)
self.__selected = False
self.__attributes = []
def x(self):
return self.__x
def y(self):
return self.__y
def point_size(self):
return self.__point_size
def selected(self):
return self.__selected
def attributes(self):
return self.__attributes
def add_attribute(self, attr):
def __calculate_hitbox(self):
Calculates the hit box for the point given the current
position (center) and the point size.
half_point = floor(self.point_size / 2.0)
self.__top_left_corner = (self.__x - half_point,
self.__y + half_point)
self.__bottom_right_corner = (self.__x + half_point,
self.__y - half_point)
def __check_window_bounds(self, x, y):
Simple window bound check that raises an exception when
the point (x, y) exceeds the known viewport bounds.
@param x The x-coordinate under test.
@param y The y-coordinate under test.
@raises ExceededWindowBoundsError If the viewport bounds are exceeded.
half_point = floor(self.point_size / 2.0)
# Screen size in pixels is always positive
# We need to include the half point here because
# the (x, y) for a point is the center of the square and we
# do not want the EDGES to exceed the viewport bounds.
if (x > self.__viewport_width - half_point or
y > self.__viewport_height - half_point or
x < half_point or
y < half_point):
raise ExceededWindowBoundsError
def move(self, dx, dy):
Adds the deltas dx and dy to the point.
@param dx The delta in the x direction.
@param dy The delta in the y direction.
self.__check_window_bounds(self.__x + dx, self.__y + dy)
self.__x += dx
self.__y += dy
# It's important to note as we move the point we need to
# make sure we are constantly updating it's hitbox.
def __eq__(self, other):
Override for class equality.
@param other The other object.
return (self.__x == other.x and
self.__y == other.y and
self.__point_size == other.point_size)
def __repr__(self):
# For some reason I had to split this instead of using one giant
# string chained with `+` inside of `()`.
s = "<POINT "
s += "X: {} | Y: {} | ".format(self.__x, self.__y)
s += "SIZE: {} | ".format(self.__point_size)
s += "VIEWPORT_WIDTH: {} | ".format(self.__viewport_width)
s += "VIEWPORT_HEIGHT: {}".format(self.__viewport_height)
s += ">"
return s
def select(self):
Selects the point.
self.__selected = True
def unselect(self):
Unselects the point.
self.__selected = False
def hit(self, x, y):
Determines if the point was hit inside of it's bounding box.
The condition for hit is simple - consider the following
bounding box:
| |
| (x,y) |
| |
Where the clicked location is in the center. Then the top
left corner is defined as (x - half_point_size, y + half_point_size)
and the bottom corner is (x + half_point_size, y - half_point_size)
So long as x and y are greater than the top left and less than the
top right it is considered a hit.
This function is necessary for properly deleting and selecting points.
return (x >= self.__top_left_corner[0] and
x <= self.__bottom_right_corner[0] and
y <= self.__top_left_corner[1] and
y >= self.__bottom_right_corner[1])
class Attribute:
def __init__(self, name, value):
Initializes an attribute.
self.__name = name
self.__value = value
class PointSet:
Useful container for points. Since points are not hashable (they are
modified in place by move) we are forced to back the PointSet with an
array. However, it is still a "set" in the "uniqueness among all points"
sense because `add_point` will reject a point with a duplicate center.
def __init__(self, point_size, viewport_width, viewport_height):
Initializes a point container with points of size point_size.
@param point_size The size of the points.
@param viewport_width The width of the viewport for bounds
@param viewport_height The height of the viewport for bounds
self.__points = []
self.__point_size = point_size
self.__viewport_width = viewport_width
self.__viewport_height = viewport_height
def __eq__(self, other):
# We are forced to convert other.points from generator to a set to
# check equality on the sets. This could possibly get very slow
# for large numbers of points.
attributes_equal = True
other_points = list(other.points)
attributes_equal = (attributes_equal and
(len(self.__points) == len(other_points)))
# This is O(N^2) - can it be improved using some sort of
# find function?
for p in self.__points:
for i, op in enumerate(other_points):
if p == op:
attributes_equal = (attributes_equal and
(p.attributes == op.attributes))
if i == len(other_points) - 1:
# In this case we have enumerated the entire second
# set and not found anything. We can safely say
# the two sets are not equal and return.
attribute_equals = False
return (self.__points == other_points and
attributes_equal and
self.__point_size == other.point_size and
self.__viewport_width == other.viewport_width and
self.__viewport_height == other.viewport_height)
def __repr__(self):
s = []
for p in self.__points:
return ",".join(s)
def points(self):
Getter for points. Returns a generator for
for point in self.__points:
yield point
def point_size(self):
return self.__point_size
def viewport_height(self):
return self.__viewport_height
def viewport_width(self):
return self.__viewport_width
def viewport_height(self, height):
self.__viewport_height = height
def viewport_width(self, width):
self.__viewport_width = width
def empty(self):
return len(self.__points) == 0
5 years ago
def clear_selection(self):
Handy helper function to clear all selected points.
for p in self.__points:
def add_point(self, x, y, attrs=[]):
Adds a point in screen coordinates and an optional attribute to
the list.
@param x The x-coordinate.
@param y The y-coordinate.
@param attr An optional attribute.
@raises ExceededWindowBoundsError If the point could not be constructed
because it would be outside the window
if attrs != [] and not all(isinstance(x, Attribute) for x in attrs):
raise ValueError("Attributes in add_point must be an " +
"attribute array.")
point = Point(x, y, self.__point_size,
self.__viewport_width, self.__viewport_height)
for attr in attrs:
if point in self.__points:
# Silently reject a duplicate point (same center).
def remove_point(self, x, y):
Removes a point from the point set based on a bounding
box calculation.
Removing a point is an exercise is determining which points
have been hit, and then pulling them out of the list.
If two points have a section overlapping, and the user clicks
the overlapped section, both points will be removed.
Currently O(n).
@param x The x-coordinate.
@param y The y-coordinate.
for p in self.__points:
if p.hit(x, y):