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10 years ago
-- | Helper functions to format output for 'bar'
module Bar (
, ColorControl(..)
, clickable
, reverseColors
, align
, changeColor
, clickable2
) where
data Alignment = ALeft | ACenter | ARight
data ColorControl = F | B deriving (Show)
clickable :: String -> String -> String
clickable script text = "%{A:" ++ script ++ ":}" ++ text ++ "%{A}"
reverseColors :: String -> String
reverseColors text = "%{R}" ++ text ++ "%{R}"
align :: Alignment -> String -> String
align ALeft text = "%{l}" ++ text ++ "%{l}"
align ACenter text = "%{c}" ++ text ++ "%{c}"
align ARight text = "%{r}" ++ text ++ "%{r}"
changeColor :: ColorControl -> String -> String -> String
changeColor c color text = "%{" ++ show c ++ color ++ "}" ++ text ++ "%{" ++ show c ++ "-}"
clickable2 :: Show a => a -> [Char] -> [Char] -> [Char]
clickable2 n script text = "%{A" ++ show n ++ ":" ++ script ++ ":}" ++ text ++ "%{A}"