The installation script requires [`dconf`][dconf] and `uuidgen` ([`util-linux`][util-linux]) to be available on your *PATH* to create a new profile and generate a random profile UUID.
Some distributions may require additional package(s):
*`dconf-tools` - transitional package for `dconf-cli` and `dconf-editor` ([Debian][debian-dconf-tools], [Mint][mint-dconf-tools], [Ubuntu][ubuntu-dconf-tools])
*`dconf-gsettings-backend` to ensure *GSettings* compatibility ([Debian][debian-dconf-gsettings-backend], [Mint][mint-dconf-gsettings-backend], [Ubuntu][ubuntu-dconf-gsettings-backend])
*`dconf-cli` to ensure full CLI support ([Debian][debian-dconf-cli], [Mint][mint-dconf-cli], [Ubuntu][ubuntu-dconf-cli])
*`dconf-service` to ensure D-Bus support for the *GSettings* backend ([Debian][debian-dconf-service], [Mint][mint-dconf-service], [Ubuntu][ubuntu-dconf-service])
*`uuid-runtime` to provide runtime components for the Universally Unique ID library ([Debian][debian-uuid-runtime], [Mint][mint-uuid-runtime], [Ubuntu][ubuntu-uuid-runtime])
The packages should be available for all distributions using the GNOME Terminal by default.
2. Run the [``]( shell script to start the automated installation.
A list of available options can be shown with `-h`, `--help`.
./ --help
**Usage**: ` [OPTIONS]`
*`-h`, `--help` - Shows the help
*`-l`, `--loglevel <LOG_LEVEL>`, `--loglevel=<LOG_LEVEL>` - Set the log level
*`2`*SUCCESS* (default)
*`-p`, `--profile <PROFILE_NAME>`, `--profile=<PROFILE_NAME>` - The name of the profile to install the theme to. If not specified a new profile as clone of the *default* profile will be created.
<!-- TODO: It will create a `Nord` GNOME Terminal profile. -->
### Profile Handling
The script detects available profiles and
* **clones the default profile if no specific profile has been specified** - this ensures that no custom profile colors are overriden
* **allows to install the theme for a specific profile** - the name of the profile the theme should be installed to can be passed using the `-p`/`--profile` option
* **handles already existing Nord profiles via version comparison** - if the *Nord* profile already exists and the script version is less than the installed version a confirmation is shown whether to override the theme of abort the installation, otherwise the profile will be
* **updated** if the script version is **greater than** the installed version
* **reinstalled** if the installed version is **equal to** the script version
### Log Level
The script provides a `-l`/`--loglevel` option to allow to define the log level. Available levels are
*`0`*ERROR* - The script will run in *silent mode*, only error messages are shown
Please report issues/bugs, feature requests and suggestions for improvements to the [issue tracker](