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10 years ago
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, NoMonomorphismRestriction, MultiParamTypeClasses, ImplicitParams #-}
-- | Allows per workspace working directories
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
module PerWorkspaceDirs (
, changeDir
, getDir
) where
import qualified XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState as XS
import XMonad.Core
import XMonad.StackSet (currentTag)
data WorkingDirs = WD [(WorkspaceId, String)] deriving Typeable
instance ExtensionClass WorkingDirs where
initialValue = WD []
changeDir :: String -> WorkspaceId -> X ()
changeDir dir ws = do (WD cdirs) <- XS.get
XS.put . WD $ (ws, dir) : filter (\(a,_) -> a /= ws) cdirs
getDir :: WorkspaceId -> X String
getDir ws = do (WD dirs) <- XS.get
return $ maybe "~/" id (lookup ws dirs)
currentWorkspace :: X WorkspaceId
currentWorkspace = withWindowSet (return . currentTag)