You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
1.8 KiB

10 years ago
source $(dirname $0)/
XPOS=$((1730 + $XOFFSET))
playing=$(mpc current)
artist=$(mpc current -f %artist%)
album=$(mpc current -f %album%)
track=$(mpc current -f %title%)
date=$(mpc current -f %date%)
#stats=$(mpc stats)
#playlistcurrent=$(mpc playlist | grep -n "$playing" | cut -d ":" -f 1 | head -n1)
#nextnum=$(( $playlistcurrent + 1 ))
#prevnum=$(( $playlistcurrent - 1 ))
#next=$(mpc playlist | sed -n ""$nextnum"p")
#prev=$(mpc playlist | sed -n ""$prevnum"p")
#art=$(ls ~/.config/ario/covers | grep SMALL | grep $album)
art="/home/zubin/.config/ario/covers/$(ls ~/.config/ario/covers | grep -v SMALL | grep "$(mpc current -f %album% | sed 's/:/ /g')")"
perc=`mpc | awk 'NR == 2 {gsub(/[()%]/,""); print $4}'`
percbar=`echo -e "$perc" | gdbar -bg $bar_bg -fg $foreground -h 1 -w $(($WIDTH-20))`
feh -x -B black -^ "" -g 108x108+$(($XPOS-108))+$(($YPOS+15)) -Z "$art" &
(echo "^fg($highlight)Music"; echo " ";echo "^ca(1,/home/zubin/.xmonad/scripts/ Track: ^fg($highlight)$track^ca()"; echo "^ca(1,/home/zubin/.xmonad/scripts/^fg() Artist: ^fg($highlight)$artist^ca()";echo "^ca(1,/home/zubin/.xmonad/scripts/^fg() Album: ^fg($highlight)$album^ca()"; echo "^ca(1,/home/zubin/.xmonad/scripts/ Year: ^fg($highlight)$date^ca()"; echo " $percbar"; echo " ^ca(1, mpc prev) ^fg($white0)^i(/home/zubin/.xmonad/dzen2/prev.xbm) ^ca() ^ca(1, mpc pause) ^i(/home/zubin/.xmonad/dzen2/pause.xbm) ^ca() ^ca(1, mpc play) ^i(/home/zubin/.xmonad/dzen2/play.xbm) ^ca() ^ca(1, mpc next) ^i(/home/zubin/.xmonad/dzen2/next.xbm) ^ca()"; echo " "; sleep 15) | dzen2 -fg $foreground -bg $background -fn $FONT -x $XPOS -y $YPOS -w $WIDTH -l $LINES -e 'onstart=uncollapse,hide;button1=exit;button3=exit' &
sleep 15
killall feh