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# Linux Essentials
8 years ago
This repository contains everything essential to getting a running Linux installation going with xmonad, tmux,
8 years ago
lemonbar, and many other configurations. The current flavor of the month for me is Nix OS. For Nix specific configuration instructions and configuration files, please go to the *nix* directory and ignore everything else here - which is left for historical Arch Linux install reasons.
8 years ago
8 years ago
The directory structure is as follows:
1. *dotfiles/* - This contains any related dotfiles
2. *scripts/* - This directory contains most of the important things to get the installation running
1. *scripts/sysinstall/* - This directory contains a number of scripts for configuring the system
2. *scripts/sysinit/* - This directory contains anything needed for system initialization
3. *scripts/solutions/* - This directory contains any fixes that can be run for various packages - SteelSeries Arctis 7 activation script is in here
4. *scripts/lemonbar/* - This directory contains any related lemonbar scripts
5. *scripts/diagnostics/* - This directory contains scripts for helping to diagnose problems
3. *installation_instructions* - This file contains a series of command you copy and paste during install of Arch
8 years ago
4. *nix/* - This contains all the stuff needed to get up and running with my nix configuration
5 years ago
5. *arch_configs* - Deprecated Arch Linux configurations
6. *iterm2* - Files related to iterm2
7. *xfce_themes* - Theming for Xfce.
8. *t400_color_profile* - Color profile for the LEN4033 (and more) WXGA+ 1440x900 screen upgrade for the T400.
5 years ago
## Terminal
I am back to `zsh` after a long time with `bash`. See the `dotfiles/zsh` directory. You only need to
symlink `.zprofile` and `.zshrc` to your home directory. Refer to the `` in the directory
for more information.
My `.zshrc` installs a lot of nice conveniences. For example, fish-shell-like syntax highlighting and
git completion.
### Tmux
4 years ago
After symlinking the `tmux.conf` dotfile properly you will need to run `ctrl+a I` in order to install any plugins.
## Vim
5 years ago
The current Vim configuration has been deprecated in favor of [the V2 Neovim Configuration](
5 years ago
6 years ago
## Emacs Specific Things
Before programming C, install `global` and `libclang` in your distro. After doing that, run `M-x irony-install-server` to install the server in the emacs directory.
Finally, `cd` to the root of your project and run `gtags`. You now have functioning irony C completion.
Before programming Java, install `eclim`, and `eclipse`.
### Ruby
Ruby makes using emacs a challenge.
Flycheck likes to complain about `bundle exec` even on emacs 27.1+. There are a few things you need to do to make things work nicely:
1. Use `lsp-mode` instead of robe and launch a ruby server with that. For some reason robe gets in the way of things like `.dir-locals.el`.
2. On a per-project basis, put a `.dir-locals.el` file with the following in it:
((ruby-mode . ((eval . (setq flycheck-command-wrapper-function
(lambda (command)
(append '("bundle" "exec") command)))))))
Which will allow bundle exec to work with flycheck.
## Joe Editor
Always build from source to get the latest features. You will need at least
version 4.5 for themes.
Copy `joe-colors/output` to `$USER/.joe/colors` in order to use themes.
## XFCE Themes
In the root there is a themes folder with a nice theme called `Nord`. Run the provided
## Swapping Caps Lock and Escape in XFCE
/usr/bin/setxkbmap -option "caps:swapescape"
## T400 Stuff
### Colors
The default colors for XFCE on Manjaro are pretty washed out on the T400 upgraded WXGA+ screens. To improve this,
there is a color profile in the `t400_color_profile` folder that you can install using Gnome Color Profiles. The
improvement is subtle, but the screen definitely looks better.
The particular model I am running is a LEN4033. This color profile works for many other monitors, however if your
EDID does not indicate you have a LEN4033 you should confirm this profile works for you monitor. There are many guides
on color calibration for the T4xx series of laptops online.