You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
1.5 KiB

# Based on the peaksea vim color scheme by Pan, Shi Zhu
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-term 1 88
-term 2 46
-term 3 150
-term 4 18
-term 5 90
-term 6 74
-term 7 252
-term 8 188
-term 9 209
-term 10 46
-term 11 187
-term 12 69
-term 13 182
-term 14 153
-term 15 188
=Type 153
=Bad 209
=Character +Number
=Comment 187
=Constant 74
=DefinedIdent 182
=Escape 179
=Number 179
=Preproc 84
=Statement 153
=String +Constant
=StringEscape 145
=TODO 88/187
=Tag +DefinedIdent
=Title 182
=diff.AddLine /18
=diff.ChgLine /90
=diff.DelLine 69
.colors *
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-cursor $000000/$00f000
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-term 1 $800000
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-term 3 $E0C060
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-term 5 $800080
-term 6 $80C0E0
-term 7 $D0D0D0
-term 8 $E0E0E0
-term 9 $F08060
-term 10 $00F000
-term 11 $C0E080
-term 12 $6080F0
-term 13 $F0C0F0
-term 14 $80C0E0
-term 15 $E0E0E0
=Type $b0d0f0
=Bad $f08060
=Character +Number
=Comment $d0d090
=Constant $80c0e0
=DefinedIdent $f0c0f0
=Escape $e0c060
=Number $e0c060
=Preproc $60f080
=Statement $c0d8f8
=String +Constant
=StringEscape $b0b0b0
=TODO $800000/$d0d090
=Tag +DefinedIdent
=Title $f0c0f0
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