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Taylor Bockman 8 years ago
  1. 21


@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
# Ubuntu Install
## Desktop Notes
The `` script is current very experimental and could brick your install so be careful using it. To use the installer script:
Install Ubuntu on a desktop with these scripts is a little different. I currently use cinnamon instead of xmonad on my desktop.
./ <desktop|laptop>
Supply either `desktop` or `laptop` as the argument to the installer. Otherwise, you can run each script individually.
## Desktop Setup Information
Installing Ubuntu on a desktop with these scripts is a little different. I currently use cinnamon instead of xmonad on my desktop.
### Nvidia Graphics Card Issues with LUKS
@ -15,6 +22,10 @@ be able to enter your password in and continue booting.
To fix this problem change `splash` to `nosplash`
in your GRUB config and run `sudo update-grub` to lock in the changes.
An additional script `` was included here for archiving purposes. This script did not work for me, but it may work for your install. If you want to keep the splash script, try running `` first.
## Laptop Setup Information
![desktop screenshot](../current-desktop.png?raw=true "Current Desktop")
By running the installer it wipes a complete install and turns it into something more minimal and less resource
@ -64,7 +75,7 @@ Here are some hotkeys to get you started:
* `mod4 + t`: Retile windows
* `mod4 + shift + c`: Close currently focused window
### GRUB Changes
A small change has to be applied to stop Ubuntu from booting into a non-existent display manager's login screen:
@ -75,12 +86,12 @@ A small change has to be applied to stop Ubuntu from booting into a non-existent
This will force Ubuntu to boot into a tty. To start Ubuntu type `startx` in any tty.
## Changing Desktop Backgrounds
### Changing Desktop Backgrounds
Inside of `~/.xinitrc` is a line that starts with `feh`. Change the image being passed into this
to change the desktop background. Kill the xserver with `alt + shift + q` and `startx` again.
### TODO
1. Have installer script `git clone` essentials and symlink everything correctly.
2. Have installer automatically modify the grub config to set up text login mode.
