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Taylor Bockman 6 years ago committed by GitHub
  1. 57


@ -17,60 +17,3 @@ The directory structure is as follows:
Take care with the dotfiles. My configurations change the terminal colors to be solarized dark. If you do not like them
they can be easily changed in the Xresources dotfile.
# Issues
There are of course a things that aren't covered (yet).
1. Thinkpad T440s function keys don't work (in the works)
2. Thinkpad T440s mousepad right-click and gestures do not work
3. No automated way to setup locker
4. No automated way to setup suspend on lid close
5. No chef script to do everything for you
6. Rustc - local libs aren't initially visible
1. Rustc requires you to manually enter sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib once so that it can find its libraries
# Software To Install
Below is a not a comprehensive list of software you should install and configure. The ** script is
a work in progress that will get the system up and running with everything I am using.
## Package Management
1. Yaourt
## Wallpaper
1. Feh
In order to install wallpapers properly, the xinitrc in this repository includes a line to start a task in the
background to show the wallpaper. If you use sh instead of zsh, change it appropriately.
## Terminal
1. rxvt-unicode-256color
## Display
1. xorg
2. xorg-xinit
3. i3
## Screen Locking
1. Physlock
## Fonts
1. infinality-bundle
2. ibfonts-meta-base
3. ttf-inconsolata (for the terminal)
## Mousepad
1. Synaptic
## Editing
1. GVim
## Browsing
1. Google Chrome
# Neovim Configuration Notes
1. Make sure to run `:GoInstallBinaries` if you want to use `vim-go`. Make sure Go and `$GOPATH` are available.
