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<- widgets

Shows and controls keyboard layouts and variants using setxkbmap.

mykbdlayout = lain.widgets.contrib.kbdlayout()

input table

Variable Meaning Type Default
layouts Keyboard layouts and variants to switch between table none
add_us_secondary Whether to add us as a secondary layout boolean true
timeout Refresh timeout (in seconds) int 10
settings User settings function empty function
  • layouts

    A table (array) which contains tables with keys indicating layout and (optionally) variant. This argument is mandatory.

  • add_us_secondary

    A boolean controlling whether to add us as a secondary layout. This is needed in order for keyboard shortcuts to work in certain applications, i.e. Firefox, while using a non-US keyboard layout.

  • timeout

    An integer which determines the interval at which the widget will be updated, in case the keyboard layout was changed by other means.

  • settings

    A "callback" function in which the user is expected to set the text widget up. The widget itself is available as the global variable widget, while layout information is available as kbdlayout_now. kbdlayout_now contains two keys, layout containing the primary layout, and variant, containing the variant. If there is no variant, variant is nil.

output table

Variable Meaning Type
widget The widget (textbox) awful.widget.textbox
update Function to update the widget and call settings function
set Function taking an index as an argument to manually set the layout given by that index function
next Change to the next layout function
prev Change to the prev layout function


The textbox can be added to the layout via standard means:


By default, left-clicking the textbox calls next, and right-clicking calls prev. You can set up additional key- or mouse-bindings. See the example below.


-- Switch between US Dvorak and DE layouts.
mykbdlayout = lain.widgets.contrib.kbdlayout({
                  layouts = {{ layout="us", variant="dvorak" },
                             { layout="de" }},
		          settings = function ()
                      if kbdlayout_now.variant then
                          widget:set_text(" " .. kbdlayout_now.layout .. "/" .. kbdlayout_now.variant .. " ")
                          widget:set_text(" " .. kbdlayout_now.layout .. " ")

-- Add to the layout.

-- Add this key binding to your global keys to
-- add traditional Alt+Shift switching.
awful.key({ "Mod1" }, "Shift_L", function () end)