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<- widgets

Provides current weather status widgets and X-days forecast popup notifications.

Uses OpenWeatherMap API.

myweather =

input table

Variable Meaning Type Default
timeout Refresh timeout seconds for current weather status int 900 (15 min)
timeout_forecast Refresh timeout seconds for forecast notification int 86400 (24 hrs)
current_call Command to fetch weather status data from the API string see default_current_call
forecast_call Command to fetch forecast data from the API string see default_forecast_call
city_id API city code int not set
units Temperature units system string "metric"
lang API data localization string "en"
cnt Forecast days interval int 7
date_cmd Forecast notification format style string "date -u -d @%d +'%%a %%d'"
icons_path Icons path string lain/icons/openweathermap
notification_preset Preset for notifications table empty table
followmouse Notification behaviour boolean false
settings User settings function empty function
  • default_current_call

    "curl -s ''"

    You can rewrite it using any fetcher solution you like.

  • default_forecast_call

    "curl -s ''"

    Like above.

  • city_id

    An integer that defines the OpenWeatherMap ID code of your city. To obtain it go to OpenWeatherMap and query for your city in the top search bar. The link will look like this:

    your city_id is the number at the end.

  • units

    • For temperature in Fahrenheit use units = "imperial"
    • For temperature in Celsius use units = "metric" (Lain default)
    • For temperature in Kelvin use units = "standard" (OpenWeatherMap default)
  • lang

    See Multilingual Support section here.

  • cnt

    Determines how many days to show in the forecast notification.

  • date_cmd

    OpenWeatherMap time is in UNIX format, so this variable uses date to determine how each line in the forecast notification is formatted. Default looks like this:

      day #daynumber: forecast, temp_min - temp_max

    see man date for your customizations.

  • icons_path

    You can set your own icons path if you don't wish to use lain/icons/openweathermap. Just be sure that your icons are PNGs and named exactly like OpenWeatherMap ones.

  • w_notification_preset

    Notifications preset table. See here for the details.

  • settings

    In your settings function, you can use widget variable to refer to the textbox, and the dictionary weather_now to refer to data retrieved by current_call. The dictionary is built with dkjson library, and its structure is defined here. For instance, you can retrieve current weather status and temperature in this way.

In multiple screen setups, the default behaviour is to show a visual notification pop-up window on the first screen when the widget is hovered with the mouse. By setting followmouse to true it will be shown on the same screen containing the widget.


The module creates an imagebox icon and a textbox widget. Add them to you wibox like this:



You can attach the forecast notification to any widget like this:


Hovering over obj will display the notification.



Force fetching of current weather status data. Useful when combined with other widgets workflow (for instance, it can be called from net widget when the internet connection is restored).



Like above, but for the forecast notification.

popup shortcut

You can also create a keybinding for the weather popup like this:

awful.key( { "Mod1" }, "w", function () end )

where show argument is an integer defining timeout seconds.