You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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2.3 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Joyent, Inc.
module.exports = {
Verifier: Verifier,
Signer: Signer
var nacl;
var stream = require('stream');
var util = require('util');
var assert = require('assert-plus');
var Signature = require('./signature');
function Verifier(key, hashAlgo) {
if (nacl === undefined)
nacl = require('tweetnacl');
if (hashAlgo.toLowerCase() !== 'sha512')
throw (new Error('ED25519 only supports the use of ' +
'SHA-512 hashes'));
this.key = key;
this.chunks = [];, {});
util.inherits(Verifier, stream.Writable);
Verifier.prototype._write = function (chunk, enc, cb) {
Verifier.prototype.update = function (chunk) {
if (typeof (chunk) === 'string')
chunk = new Buffer(chunk, 'binary');
Verifier.prototype.verify = function (signature, fmt) {
var sig;
if (Signature.isSignature(signature, [2, 0])) {
if (signature.type !== 'ed25519')
return (false);
sig = signature.toBuffer('raw');
} else if (typeof (signature) === 'string') {
sig = new Buffer(signature, 'base64');
} else if (Signature.isSignature(signature, [1, 0])) {
throw (new Error('signature was created by too old ' +
'a version of sshpk and cannot be verified'));
return (nacl.sign.detached.verify(
new Uint8Array(Buffer.concat(this.chunks)),
new Uint8Array(sig),
new Uint8Array(;
function Signer(key, hashAlgo) {
if (nacl === undefined)
nacl = require('tweetnacl');
if (hashAlgo.toLowerCase() !== 'sha512')
throw (new Error('ED25519 only supports the use of ' +
'SHA-512 hashes'));
this.key = key;
this.chunks = [];, {});
util.inherits(Signer, stream.Writable);
Signer.prototype._write = function (chunk, enc, cb) {
Signer.prototype.update = function (chunk) {
if (typeof (chunk) === 'string')
chunk = new Buffer(chunk, 'binary');
Signer.prototype.sign = function () {
var sig = nacl.sign.detached(
new Uint8Array(Buffer.concat(this.chunks)),
new Uint8Array(;
var sigBuf = new Buffer(sig);
var sigObj = Signature.parse(sigBuf, 'ed25519', 'raw');
sigObj.hashAlgorithm = 'sha512';
return (sigObj);