You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1019 B

# Based on oceandeep vim scheme by Tom Regner <>
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-term 7 $E0EEE0
-term 8 $E0E0E0
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-term 11 $7FFF00
-term 12 $607B8B
-term 13 $E066FF
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=Keyword $90ee90 bold
=Operator $7fff00
=Type $add8e6
=Bad $ffffe0/$b22222
=Boolean $00ffff bold
=Comment $507080
=Conditional $90ee90
=Constant $00cdcd
=Define $bcd2ee
=DefinedFunction $9bcd9b
=DefinedIdent $8db6cd
=Escape $66cdaa bold
=IncSystem $a2b5cd
=Loop $4eee94
=Macro $8db6cd
=Number $00ffff
=Precond $a4d3ee
=Preproc $87ceff
=Statement $90ee90
=StorageClass $add8e6
=String $00e5ee
=Structure $add8e6
=TODO $00ffff/$507080
=Title $e066ff bold
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