@ -14,63 +14,3 @@ The directory structure is as follows: |
5. *scripts/diagnostics/* - This directory contains scripts for helping to diagnose problems |
5. *scripts/diagnostics/* - This directory contains scripts for helping to diagnose problems |
3. *installation_instructions* - This file contains a series of command you copy and paste during install of Arch |
3. *installation_instructions* - This file contains a series of command you copy and paste during install of Arch |
4. *nix/* - This contains all the stuff needed to get up and running with my nix configuration |
4. *nix/* - This contains all the stuff needed to get up and running with my nix configuration |
Take care with the dotfiles. My configurations change the terminal colors to be solarized dark. If you do not like them |
they can be easily changed in the Xresources dotfile. |
# Issues |
There are of course a things that aren't covered (yet). |
1. Thinkpad T440s function keys don't work (in the works) |
2. Thinkpad T440s mousepad right-click and gestures do not work |
3. No automated way to setup locker |
4. No automated way to setup suspend on lid close |
5. No chef script to do everything for you |
6. Rustc - local libs aren't initially visible |
1. Rustc requires you to manually enter sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib once so that it can find its libraries |
# Software To Install |
Below is a not a comprehensive list of software you should install and configure. The *install_packages.sh* script is |
a work in progress that will get the system up and running with everything I am using. |
## Package Management |
1. Yaourt |
## Wallpaper |
1. Feh |
In order to install wallpapers properly, the xinitrc in this repository includes a line to start a task in the |
background to show the wallpaper. If you use sh instead of zsh, change it appropriately. |
## Terminal |
1. rxvt-unicode-256color |
## Display |
1. xorg |
2. xorg-xinit |
3. i3 |
## Screen Locking |
1. Physlock |
## Fonts |
1. infinality-bundle |
2. ibfonts-meta-base |
3. ttf-inconsolata (for the terminal) |
## Mousepad |
1. Synaptic |
## Editing |
1. GVim |
## Browsing |
1. Google Chrome |
# Neovim Configuration Notes |
1. Make sure to run `:GoInstallBinaries` if you want to use `vim-go`. Make sure Go and `$GOPATH` are available. |