@ -14,3 +14,10 @@ The directory structure is as follows:
5. *scripts/diagnostics/* - This directory contains scripts for helping to diagnose problems
5. *scripts/diagnostics/* - This directory contains scripts for helping to diagnose problems
3. *installation_instructions* - This file contains a series of command you copy and paste during install of Arch
3. *installation_instructions* - This file contains a series of command you copy and paste during install of Arch
4. *nix/* - This contains all the stuff needed to get up and running with my nix configuration
4. *nix/* - This contains all the stuff needed to get up and running with my nix configuration
## Emacs Specific Things
Before programming C, install `global` and `libclang` in your distro. After doing that, run `M-x irony-install-server` to install the server in the emacs directory.
Finally, `cd` to the root of your project and run `gtags`. You now have functioning irony C completion.
Before programming Java, install `eclim`, and `eclipse`.